Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

#-- of 289
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Perfomance Rating
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Last Map Played
HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Last Server Played
2 hours
Of Play Time
4 weeks
Since First Connection
1 hour
Since Last Seen
an hour ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
6 hours ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
ur tryharding too much xd
why so toxic
this map is so stressful
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
cause u suck
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
why is ump silencer the new meta xd
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
12 hours ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
is it just silenced fliczee?
love it
your ump is fire
fatal camper xd
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1

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