Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2

#139 of 289
Overall Ranking
Total Kills
Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
Last Map Played
HaZeyNetwork | :dpad_right:HC Map:xboxx:Gamemode Votes:dpad_left: | |
Last Server Played
4 weeks
Of Play Time
9 weeks
Since First Connection
7 minutes
Since Last Seen
12 minutes ago

WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
33 minutes ago

Wow... Im reporting you!!!
38 minutes ago

lol im camping, hope i kill someone
53 minutes ago

threw a throwingknife
nice wallhacks myzticaznfool
lolwat was that myzticaznfool?
Wow... Im reporting you!!!
an hour ago

attacking this sentry...
WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
Got it on fraps!
WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
Wow... Im reporting you!!!
WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
Haa! Got my fraps ready, time to watch this killcam.
Haa! Got my fraps ready, time to watch this killcam.
threw a semtex
2 hours ago

im done following that guy
Wow... Im reporting you!!!
threw a throwingknife
Wow! Nice glock you got there, GrizIT!
WOW n1 myzticaznfool
WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
lol Highrise sux
Haa! Got my fraps ready, time to watch this killcam.
3 hours ago

Haa! Got my fraps ready, time to watch this killcam.
Next time GET OUT OF MY WAY tomman55!!
Wow... Im reporting you!!!
Haa! Got my fraps ready, time to watch this killcam.
WTF?!?!?!! Dude youre a hacker and a half!!
LoL that was random