Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
Main Street Electric

#-- of 281
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Last Map Played
HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Last Server Played
1 hour
Of Play Time
2 weeks
Since First Connection
3 days
Since Last Seen
3 days ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
12 days ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
for a 9 v 9 this is horrifically slow
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #1
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
thx xD
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
lol great start
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #2
thats what she said
were being dominated take those positions
well h2m
no cuz that was my first on this game
i love the toxicity xD

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