Player Profile

Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

#119 of 289
Overall Ranking
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Last Map Played
HaZeyNetwork | HC | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps 2XP EU #1
Last Server Played
5 hours
Of Play Time
2 weeks
Since First Connection
1 week
Since Last Seen
9 days ago

Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #6
Connected to HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2 Maps 2XP EU #6
Disconnected from HaZeyNetwork | Hardcore | Map & Gamemode Voting | COD4/MW2/CR Maps EU #5
they cant cap the flags by spawning
in here for example
dont cap any flags
if its domination
in the trenches again
or you can but dont gather the last one
dont gather any tags
got stuck in the middle of bots lol
im at the trenches
im stuck
hate doing shotguns for example
doing the worst weps this way
vote for campaign maps next game aswell
oops my bad
free headshots
dont kill me or call in a nuke

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